Biography: Rev. Chattin

Image curtsey of Rev. Terri Rae Chattin

February 28, 2021

Guest Preacher: Rev. Terri Rae Chattin

Former District Superintendent

Baltimore-Washington Conference

Sunday morning worship – 10:30 am on Zoom

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Growing up in Plainville, Indiana, Terri Rae Chattin was baptized and confirmed in the Evangelical United Brethren Church. For 39 years, Rev. Chattin served in various appointment settings within the Baltimore Washington Conference including pastoring local churches, serving as the Frederick District Superintendent and as Associate Council Director for Youth and Advocacy.

Her specific ministries led to over 35 years participation in United Methodist Church Camps at Manidokan and West River, along with Quality of Life Retreats for persons living with HIV and the conference chapter of the Methodist Federation for Social Action.

Confidence in Terri Rae’s (TR’s) leadership was made evident by her colleagues electing her as a seven-time Jurisdictional Conference delegate and a six-time General Conference delegate, co-leading the delegations in 2012 and 2016.

Now a retired elder in the Conference, Terri Rae continues to serve the denomination and volunteer for Quality of Life Retreats, camps and mission projects.

1771 250th Anniversary 2021